Back to EdExcel IGCSE

A change in job in September means that I am back to teaching EdExcel IGCSE Biology. I know that lots will have changed since 2017 so please can you let me know your suggestions for topics you would like to see me address in new posts.


  1. Ahana

    Hi! I know this was posted quite a while ago, but I am commenting to suggest a post on the predicted topics for paper 1 and paper 2.
    I saw some of the lists for the 2016 and 2017 papers, and I think they will be helpful in deciding what to prioritize in revision for this year, based on previous years’ exams.

    Thank you, and please keep up the great work in maintaining this website! I have told many friends about it, and I honestly think it is one of the best resources out there for IGCSE Biology.

  2. Matt Turner

    Any chance of doing the A-Level syllabus (I do AQA but any would be fine)? – completely fine if not as teachers are obviously busy / most demand is for IGCSE.

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